Who's On First?
I tend to think of a Romance novel as being a story about romance with some people involved in the story plot. I prefer to write stories about people and have some romance involved in the story plot.
Not that this post has anything to do with the old and very funny skit, but it makes about as much sense, I think."So you write romance novels, Dan." Or do I?
How do we define a romance story in the first place? A story about love and romance?
I tend to think that my novels, though they all include romance, are not really fitting the common understanding of what a romance novel is. I prefer to call mine 'Love Stories.' Maybe there is little to no difference, and especially so to the reader.
I tend to think of a Romance novel as being a story about romance with some people involved in the story plot.I prefer to write stories about people and have some romance involved in the story plot.
Is there much of a difference? You decide and let me know what you think.