Author, novelist, and short story writer, Christian fiction with a touch of Steampunk. Stories of new love found following the loss of widowhood. Humurous and sometimes oddball tales.
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Announcement: All of the author's novels are available on Kindle Unlimited. Kindle Unlimited subscribers read them free of charge.
A Ship Called Abigail : Voyage of Abigail : When Love Finds Hannah : An Empty Quiet Place : Mister Weatherspoon's Unfortunate Clock : Miss Penny's Wedding Dress
Other Books Coming
(Not yet titled) The conclusion of the Airship Abigail story
Expected publication mid 2024
'Tales From Somewhere Else'
A Book of Short Stories. Expected publication mid 2024
'The Trumpet and the Lamp'
The story of Gideon
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Maud Wiser and Mildred Richer were neighbors. They lived very close to each other. In fact, they lived in the same house. Well, not exactly as you suppose, for it was really two houses.
The two houses were built right against each other, and in fact, had no space between them. Facing the street with their individual but common fronts, they shared a common wall between them.
But being neighbors did not make them friends. Far from it. Truth is, they despised each other. And they made no secret of their dislike for each other.
No one knew for sure how the feud got started. There were many who suspected, and continue to suspect to this day, that it started over a man. But what man, and under what circumstances a man was involved no one knew for sure. Read the rest of the story
Enjoy a short story by the author
God Gave Me You
God's Design For Your Marriage
For the soon to be married couple, or the newly married couple. Biblical advice your marriage.
Also for pastors and marriage ministers, the book is a valuable resource for pre-marital counseling.
Dan Dooley is the author of, to date, seven published books. Six fiction novels and one Christian non-fiction book. A marriage primer. Pre-marital advice for couples soon to be wedded, based on biblical principles, and on many years of marriage experience by the author.
The novels consist of 'The Legacy of Abigail' series. A four book adventure series telling the stories of new love found after the loss of widowhood. And touching on a number of sensitive subjects including, blended families, adoptions, starting over, facing death, and learning to put trust in God to know His will for their lives.
Two additional novels, They are, 'Mister Weatherspoon's Unfortunate Clock,' and 'Miss Penny's Wedding Dress,' offer fun adventure and romance reading.
The author's books are available in print form as well as digital (eBook), and audiobook form. Available where you buy your favorite books. Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, and others.
Is listening to Audiobooks more your preference? Audiobooks offer the advantage of allowing you to enjoy your books at virtually any time and any place. Listen on your favorite audiobook listening device. Novels on AudioBook form